
“All of Nature is sacred yet each space has its unique meaning and healing application. Water is the Source of all Life.” ~ anonymous

Join us in a global effort to send healing prayers to the life giving waters of the Earth with a guided meditation the first Friday of each month.

Sign up to receive email reminders for our upcoming Global Water Healing meditations by contacting Mary J. Getten at mg@rockisland.com
Hands Holding Planet Earth

There have been many urgent messages lately from a variety of sources that the water of this planet needs help. There IS something we can do about it.

An international network of light-workers is coming together to help us all focus our intention and love to clear the oceans of toxicity, pollution, and radiation, and to help all water
attain perfect balance so life can flourish.  All life depends upon the ocean.

We gather together to send healing energy to the waters of our planet on the first Friday of every month, at 9am US Pacific Time/12 noon Eastern Time.

Our next Global Water Healing meditation will be led by Linda Gareh-Applegate on Friday, November 1, 2024. Please join us!  Click here for the time of the event in your local time zone.

How to Connect to Our Call:
The phone number in the US and Canada is 267-807-9605, access code 780758# 

For the benefit of those of you outside the U.S., we are using an international conferencing service that provides local phone numbers in more than 70 countries world-wide.
To find the local phone number for your country, click on this link, then click on the “International Dial-in Numbers: View List” button.

You can also join us over the internet from your computer or smartphone!
To join over the internet, click on this linkthen click on the big blue button on the left that says JOIN ONLINE MEETING.
Enter your name and email address, then click JOIN.
You will then see several icons. Click on the telephone icon, then choose MIC AND SPEAKERS to connect to the call through your computer.

If you can’t join us on the call, then send your love and energy to create pristine, healthy, and vibrant waters everywhere on planet Earth. Hold this vision strongly for 5-30 minutes.

We hope you can join us as often as you can for our Global Water Healing meditations.

Thank you for joining us in this sacred and joyous endeavor!